Who's up for a quickie without me ranbling on about the nature of music?
I'm going to just do it in tab today. My camera's not working.
Bass and Uke
(If you're new to tab, bottom line represents string 1, and the number is the fret you use)
Easy, right?
Except you're doing the ones with your index/first finger, and the threes with your 2nd/middle finger.
I am aware that bass and ukulele are tuned differently. However, right now we're playing frets, not notes.
So you do that pattern all the way up to
And now the fun. Do it again, but use your ring and pinky fingers. If your hand still has feeling, go again with your middle and ring fingers.
If you're playing bass and have small hands, and you find this exercise hard, go up your fretboard until the frets are close enough to do this. Drill this at least every other day, and try to work your way down.
It's amazing what limitations you thought were caused by your hands, which turn out to be able to be compensated for with addition muscle.
And for guitarists who like looking at 6 strings
When these things start getting into stuff where the notes count, I'll probably do guitar, uke, and bass separately. For now, just wing it. You're playing. You're playing! Good job!
Keep on playing.
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